Spring is here. It is fun to see nature’s infrastructure in spring.
You can see the shape of the trees and bushes without any of the
leaves. It creates an architecture of the environment.
So do our bones. Our bones give us our structure, form and support.
During spring and anytime it is important to think of bone health.
There are ways to keep bones healthy.
One is with the diet. According to Health Monitor/Guide to BONE Health
“aim to consume 3 servings of high-calcium foods a day.”
Think yogurt, kale, broccoli. This also includes Vitamin D of which
salmon is a means.
Moving DEM BONES, means strengthening DEM BONES. It is important to
get some impact. This includes walking, jogging or dancing three
to five days a week.
Moving DEM BONES should also include strength training.
This can include resistance training, using your own body weight like in Yoga.
OR it can mean lifting free weights or using resistance bands.
So, Happy Spring for DEM BONES.