WEEK 4 KITCHEN RENO Thursday, March 17, 2016 The Waiting Game


The future for the new stove.
The future for the dishwasher.
A good look at the gray cabinets.
The future for the countertops.
The future for the counter tops.







WEEK 4 KITCHEN RENOVATION:  March 17, 2016 The Waiting Game

Happy St. Patrick’s Day as the Carter Production household is in a holding pattern. The counter tops have been measured. NOW, it is a waiting game……..ohm………….Actually, Lowe’s prepared us for this part of the kitchen demo reno. They reminded us that after the counter tops are measured it will take awhile before they will be installed. No other work is happening. My kitchen is quiet. OHM! Maybe a good thing since we will be having house guests amid this renovation. Glad it is an early spring.